Precise Free Fall Lab

Precise Free Fall Lab


Procedure: Take a premeasured piece of PVC pipe. Hold the pipe vertically and place a BeeSpi photogate timer at the bottom. Underneath the timer, place a cloth or pillow to catch the marble. Reset the BeeSpi and replace it under the pipe. Allow a marble to drop through the pipe and record the final velocity.
Choose a new distance and perform the same procedure again. Do this for all 7 distances.


Table 1


Distance (m) Trial 1 (km/hr) Trial 2 (km/hr) Trial 3 (km/hr) Trial 4 (km/hr) Trial 5 (km/hr) Avg. velocity (km/hr)



Koosh Ball Lab

Part 1

For each of the case below, construct the following data table. Write each case procedure and corresponding data table on a single page. Leave room on the page for the graph.

Data Point

Distance between Koosh Balls (m)

Displacement from starting Point to each Koosh Ball (m)










You will need to mark a starting point on the ground; this starting point will be used for all cases. In the cases that say to go backwards, you will need to walk backwards.


Case 1

Start walking forward at a constant rate before you get to the starting line. After you get to the starting line start dropping Koosh Balls every time your partner calls out the seconds. Measure the distance between the Koosh Balls. Fill in your data table for case 1.

Case 2

Start from rest at the starting line, and start walking forward speeding up at a constant rate. Every time your partner calls out the seconds, drop a Koosh Ball. Measure the distance between the Koosh Balls. Fill in your data table for case 2.

Case 3

Start walking forward at a quick pace. When you get to the starting line begin slowing down at a constant rate. Every time your partner calls out the seconds, drop a Koosh Ball. Measure the distance between the Koosh Balls. Fill in your data table for case 3.

Case 4

Start walking backwards at a constant rate before you get to the starting line. After you get to the starting line start dropping Koosh Balls every time your partner calls out the seconds. Measure the distance between the Koosh Balls. Fill in your data table for case 4.

Case 5

Start from rest at the starting line, and start walking backwards speeding up at a constant rate. Every time your partner calls out the seconds, drop a Koosh Ball. Measure the distance between the Koosh Balls. Fill in your data table for case 5.

Case 6

Start walking backwards, and when you get to the starting line begin slowing down at a constant rate. Every time your partner calls out the seconds, drop a Koosh Ball. Measure the distance between the Koosh Balls. Fill in your data table for case 6.



Speed of Sound Lab


1. Measure and record the diameter of the resonance tube.
2. Enter the frequency of the tuning fork in the data table.
3. Add water to the glass cylinder until it is three fourths full. Hold the resonance tube vertically in the cylinder with one of its ends in the water. The water will seal one end of the tube. By raising and lowering the tube, you can vary the length of the air column in the tube.
4. Strike the tuning fork. Hold the vibrating tuning fork horizontally as close to the open end of the tube as you can. Move the tube and fork up and down until the sound is best reinforced. You may find more then one position where reinforcement occurs, so try moving the tube up and down several times to find the shortest tube length that gives the loudest sound.
5. Hold the tube in the position of best sound reinforcement. Have your partner measure the distance ( l ) from the top of the resonance tube to the water in centimeters. Record the length in the data table #1.
6. The length of air column must be increased by four-tenths of the diameter of the tube ( 0.4d ) to correct for the small amount of air just outside the top of the tube that vibrates with the air column in the tube. Calculate 0.4d and add this to the length, l of the column to get the corrected length ( L ) according to the equation:

L = l + 0.4d

Enter the corrected length in centimeters in the data table. Complete the table. Note that in the data table #2, L is expressed in centimeters but is converted into meters by multiplying L by 0.04.
7. Repeat the process using a different tuning fork.
8. After having found the shortest tube length that produces sound reinforcement, again move the tube and fork up and down and record your observations.

Data and Calculations

Room Temperature: _____________________________________

Diameter of resonance tube: ______________________________

Data Table # 1

Frequency ( f )( Hz )                                            Measured length of air column ( cm )




Data Table # 2

Corrected length of                                        Wavelength ( m )                           Speed ( v ) ( m/s )
Air column
( L = l + 0.4d )


Observation from Step 8.

Parallel Circuit Lab

In this lab you will be assigned a variety of tasks and answer some questions about each task. Each task must be signed off by the teacher. You are allowed the freedom to explore the program, and only the program, that has been assigned by the teacher. Try both the lifelike and the schematic forms.



  1. Create a parallel circuit that has one battery and two light bulbs.


  1. Use the voltmeter and ammeter to determine the voltage and current through each light bulb.


  1. Using your current circuit, add a third light bulb of the same resistance parallel to the other two lightbulbs. What happens to the current and voltage in the circuit?


  1. Change the resistance of ONE light bulb. What happens to the current and voltage in the circuit?
  1. Add a second battery directly to the first battery. Discuss how this changes the V, I and R.


  1. Create a parallel circuit that includes a 14 V battery, 2 light bulbs (8 and 10 Ω) and 2 resistors (4 and 6Ω).


  1. Using the voltmeter, the voltage throughout the entire circuit is _______, and the voltage through each resistor is (8 Ω) ____, (10 Ω) ____, (4 Ω) ____, and (6 Ω) ____.


  1. Using the non-contact ammeter, determine the current through each wire.


  1. **DO NOT MAKE A CIRCUIT USING THE SOFTWARE** Draw a parallel circuit with 3 different light bulbs all in parallel.



10.Calculate the equivalent resistance and the current in the circuit.

Show all your work.



  1. Build the circuit with the software and check the current of the

circuit. Calculate the resistance using Ohm’s Law.



  1. Add another light bulb in parallel to the circuit. Discuss the brightness of each bulb as well as the current and voltage in the circuit.




  1. Add another light bulb in series to the light bulb added in task Discuss the brightness of each bulb as well as the current and voltage in the circuit.


Series Circuit Lab

Physics circuit lab.


In this lab you will be assigned a variety of tasks and answer some questions about each task. Each task must be signed off by the teacher. You are allowed the freedom to explore the program, and only the program, that has been assigned by the teacher. Try both the lifelike and the schematic forms.


  1. Create a circuit that has one battery, and one light bulb.


  1. Use the voltmeter and ammeter to determine the voltage and current through the light bulb.


  1. Using your current circuit, add a second light bulb of the same resistance. What happens to the brightness of each light bulb?


  1. Change the resistance of ONE light bulb. What happens to the brightness of each light bulb?
  1. Add a second battery directly to the first battery. Discuss how this changes the V, I and R.


  1. Create a series circuit that includes a 14 V battery, 2 light bulbs (8 and 10 Ω) and 2 resistors (4 and 6 Ω).


  1. Using the voltmeter, the voltage throughout the entire circuit is _______, and the voltage through each resistor is (8 Ω) ____, (10 Ω) ____, (4 Ω) ____, and (6 Ω) ____.


  1. Using the non-contact ammeter, determine the current through each wire.


  1. Create a conductivity tester .


  1. Using the grab bag, determine what types of items can conduct electricity


  1. List several other items that you think might conduct electricity.


  1. Clear the software and create another circuit with one light bulb and one battery. Can you make the light bulb catch on fire? If so, how? If not, why not? Predict what would happen if you replace the light bulb with a resistor.


  1. Use the software to create several types of situations.

Power Lab

Lab: My Personal Power Plant


Background Information:

* Weight is a force measured in ___________________________

* Work is ____________________________________________

Work is measured in _______________________________

Work = _________________________________________

Example: ________________________________________

* Power is ____________________________________________

Power is measured in _______________________________

Power = _________________________________________

Example: ________________________________________


Purpose: Understand power by __________________________________



Procedure: Measure the height of a flight of steps. Measure the time it takes to go up the flight of steps.

Hypothesis: I will generate _____ kW to climb the steps.


Weight I will use: weight = ______ pounds (__)

Weight = ______lb x   ______ N/lb = _______N

My work =________ x ________ = ________

My power = ________ / ________ = ________

Springs Lab



Hang a spring directly to a ring clamp attached to a ring stand.

Attach a mass hanger directly to the bottom of the hanging spring and measure the vertical distances, from the horizontal support rod to the top coil and the bottom coil, respectively, of the hanging spring, for masses ranging from 50.0 g to 250.0 g.


Repeat for all five springs in the set.

Friction Lab


Part 1: (Kinetic Friction)

Take a wooden block and mass it. Use a spring scale and drag the block along the table or lab bench at a constant speed. Make sure that the spring scale is horizontal to the surface. Record the value shown on the spring scale. Repeat to get 5 trials. Repeat for 4 more different materials attached to the block.


Part 2: (Static Friction)

Take a wooden block and mass it. Use a spring scale and slowly pull the scale horizontally until the block moves. Record the value and repeat 4 more times. Repeat the same procedure for four more different materials attached to the block.



Table 1 (kinetic):


Material Mass of block Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Average

Dart Gun Lab

Put one part per page. Leave room for data collection tables.

Part A

Fire your dart gun vertically five times to get values for how much time for the dart rises and come back down to the same height at which the dart was fired. Record these values in a data table and find the average time for the five trials. Ideally, you want to measure the rise of the center of mass of the dart. With the time that was collected, derive an equation that could be used to find the initial velocity of the dart when the dart leaves the gun. After deriving the equation use the data collected and find the velocity of the dart as the dart leaves the gun.

Part B

Place the dart gun at the edge of your table and measure the height from the floor to the center of the dart. Derive an equation to find the horizontal distance the dart will shoot from this height. After the equation is found, use your data from parts A and B to find where the dart is going to land on the floor. Obtain a target from your teacher and measure out this distance and place a target at that point on the floor. After firing your dart gun measure the distance to where the dart landed and record this data for later use. If you are able to hit the target you can receive extra credit on you lab.

Part C

For this section of the lab you will be shooting the dart gun at an angle to determine the maximum distance in the x-direction that the dart will travel. Make a table and measure the distance the dart travels for all angles from 30° to 60°. Do multiple trials at each angle and get an average.

Part D

For this section of the lab you will be shooting your dart gun at an angle that is given to you by your teacher at the time of the lab. Before you can fire your dart gun you must derive generic equations to find the following information: initial velocity in the “x” direction, initial velocity in the “y”, total time the dart will be in the air, maximum height reached by the dart, and the horizontal distance covered by the dart. After all your calculations are made, obtain a target from your teacher and measure out this distance and place a target at that point on the floor. After firing your dart gun above the x-axis at the angle given, measure the distance to where the dart landed and record this data for later use. If you are able to hit the target you can receive extra credit on your lab.